Sunday, 6 May 2012

Kindergarten Maibaumfest!

Yesterday was Katie's kindergarten's Maibaumfest.  This is a big thing and most Maibaums take a long time to put up, being very tall and heavy.  It takes hours.  Fortunately, Kastanienalle only has a small one which took two papas to out up in a few minutes. 

It was a very cute affair with everyone in a circle outside and each group did a song and the Bayern Hymn was sung which is a bit dirgy but all about the greatness of the Maibaum. The small band played and then the bigger children did a Mai dance by the nearly erected Maibaum. 

Afterwards there was food and drink in the garden and it was all in all a jolly little affair, but a most important one in the Bavarian calendar. 

Katie and her best English friend William

Sitting with her group outside

It was only a small Maibaum requiring only two papas to put it up.
Alex clapping to the band

Get that Bavarian moustache!

Katie's group singing

sitting on the lion outside


  1. Wow a Blue Lion! How cool is that? Love the gear. A lovely time was had by all.

    WHO is Rachel BLAMEY?????????

  2. it's me... AKA Rachel HALE!!!!

    who is ANONYMOUS???
