Sunday, 19 February 2012

Cycling to Work

I am very excited to have three followers!  And not one is family whom this is for. Ho hum!

Anyhow, a couple of weeks ago we had very low temperatures.  I get three of us ready in the morning and Matt gets one ready. OK, he does help but hte getting ready to go out on his bike in the cold takes him forever.

So this is him about to go out in -20ºC to cycle to work.  We walked to kindergarten. Actually, Katie went on her laufrad but she didn't look so daft as Matt!


  1. make that 4 !

    loving the one sock in, one sock out look :)

  2. it was only on that one occasion when he had warmer trousers on!

  3. Looks like a frogman in the fab gear.....very mysterious....and funny!!!

    So glad you all enjoyed the circus and that there were no lions apart from Katie.

    We are enjoying some sunshine here.
