Today was Alex's second birthday. Whos was most excited? Katie of course! She was unbearable yesterday and when she said she didn't think she would go to kindergarten today becasue it was Alex's birthday I said something to the effect of if she didn't go she would drive me insane!
Yesterday I had a domestic goddess morning and made chocolate crispie crackle cakes, choc brownies, cookies and the birthday cake. Last night I made the birthday cake into a lil red tractor. I was so pleased with my efforts. Anything seems quite straightforward after Katie's huge Upsy Daisy cake for her second birthday.
Lil read tractor |
Alex was so cute this morning as when he woke up I went in and he
said "It's my birthday!" "How old are you?" "TWO!" What a cutie. The
present opening started and he had some lovely pressies. A great
helicopter book from Knitting Granny, a fire engine from the Fearons, a
winner of a Marble Run from Painting Granny (well done mummy for that
great idea!) and a water play table from us. Everytime he pulled off a
piece of paper he would say "Wow!"
After we took Katie to kindergarten this morning Alex and I did a
bit of shopping and came back to make coffee for Catherine and Alex
played with Thomas. Catherine very kindly put together the marble run
which Alex just loves. I think it is his favourite pressie. I haven't
got a photo of it yet though. I made cheese muffins too and cut up some
fruit to be healthy.
Then it was all systems go for Alex's party this afternoon. I was
suddenly a bit concerned as there would be 25 of us - smallies,
middlies and mummies. But it was so lovely and relaxed. Kate did a fab
job as tea lady and although Alex was a little grumbly after I woke him
from his nap he soon perked up when cake was the focus. It was a lovely
afternon and I think everyone had a nice time. All was cleared up by
bedtime and although a sugar rush was had by all children, they both
fell asleep quickly. So glad it wasn't as hot as last year or the year
he was born.